Sunday, July 26, 2009

Little Darling... (kisame)

You were utterly confused when the blue skinned man had called you over. You adored him, but he never spoke to you when it wasn't necessary. What reason did he have to speak to you? He was loud, you were timid and quieter than a mouse. He was violent and you were unable to harm a living thing even if you had all the reasons in the world to. He was free to do as he pleased whenever he pleased, you were a lowly slave. He had never shown any interest in you before, you were merely a pawn that played on the sidelines of his life. Your shock when he beckoned you from across the room was perfectly acceptable by your standards.

You hadn't done anything out of the ordinary to grab his attention, you were simply cleaning the mess that the drunken members had made a few hours earlier. Most of them were passed out now, leaving a small few left to do as they pleased, Kisame being one of them. He lounged in a more than casual manner on a tacky red couch, his arms draped across the top, they easily stretched from one end of the small couch to the other.

As you laboriously cleaned the mess that the men had left behind, a small flicker of movement caught the corner of your eye. When you turned your head, you saw that it was Kisame, his finger outstretched, beckoning. You peered around the room, to see whom he was beckoning. Your face flush a light shade of crimson when you saw that there was no one else but you and he in the room.

A light chuckle escaped the man's throat, "Yes, I meant you..." He rumbled with amusement in his voice. You nodded and skittishly made your way across the room, dodging any obstacles as if your very life was dependent on it.

You dipped your head politely to the large man before sheepishly asking, "I-is there something you n-need Kisame-san?"

A sly smirk played across the man's face, he held out his large hand and patiently waited for your response. It took you a moment to realize it but when you figured it out and complied by offering him your hand. He closed his large hand around your and pulled you gently but forcefully towards him. He draped you over his lap in such a fashion that you imagined yourself as a delicate ornament. He still held your small hand in his. For a moment you stared in curiosity at the way your alabaster skin seemed to blend with his pale blue complexion.

You froze when you felt him lower his face to your neck and inhale deeply. He quietly murmured into your ear, "Your scent.... it awakens the predator.... that hides within me...." You quit breathing all together, with sudden panic, you tried to remember whether or not if Kisame was a cannibal like Zetsu. Kisame seemed to sense this and chuckled, "Don't worry, I ensure you that I don't bite.... hard." You felt as if you were being hypnotized with the way he was speaking. His enticing voice had you hanging on his each and every word.

His hand brushed your cheek softly, his skin was surprisingly soft and cool. His lips grazed yours teasingly, a tiny moan escaped your slightly parted lips. You heard a low rumble in Kisame's chest when you moaned. He was enjoying it.

He lifted your chin and whispered to you, "Do you enjoy this little _____?" His sweet breath hitting your face put you in a daze, you nodded absently. Kisame smirked before allowing his lips to meet yours in a soft, somewhat teasing kiss. You let a small whimper escape you, bringing it to his attention that you didn't want to be teased. You felt him smirk.

You leaned forward in a daze, forcing yourself on him, Kisame did not object to your new found aggression. You pulled away from him, unsure of your next move, Kisame made this desicion for you, his soft lips trailed from your lips and down your neck, rubbing softly on your half exposed collarbone. You trembled in delight at his sensual gesture.

As your actions with Kisame escalated, you heard the footsteps of an approaching body, you froze. You peeked over his broad shoulder to see Kakuzu walking towards the both of you. You blushed a bright red after you became aware of you appearance which was in disarray. You felt Kisame's hand tug your arm, pulling you into his chest, when you looked up at him his face was motionless, a sleep facade. With as little motion as possible you curled up to him and pretended to be asleep as well.

Through a half opened eye, you saw Kakuzu walking half asleep into the bathroom that was past the couch you and Kisame pretended to sleep on. After a promt few moments in the bathroom you heard the toilet flush and heard Kakuzu leaving.

You stayed curled into his chest for a few moments longer before fully opening one eye quickly enough to see a pale blue hand moving up and gently caressing your hair. You grudgingly moved from your comfortable position and looked up and the man's face, he seemed distraught with want for you. You repositioned yourself, straddling his lap; you tugged at his cloak, undoing the occasional button. You wanted the thing gone.

You heard him chuckle, "I think perhaps we should move to a more... private, location..." He murmured to you, his tongue flicked quickly out of his mouth and hit your ear, before retreating just as quickly as he had emerged. You trembled and then nodded in agreement. In one swift movement KIsame was standing with you in his arms, your arm were laced around his neck, as if you were wary of falling.

Kisame quickly made his way down a long hall and just as he was about to hit the end he turned left and clumsily opened the door to his room. He closed the door behind him and the next thing you knew, you were sailing through the air before landing on his large bed. The blue skinned man locked the door behind him and swiftly removed his cloak before looking you over. You sat in the center of his bed, you were completely aware that the strap of your dress was hanging limply off your shoulder, and you were also aware of the fact that in the position you were sitting gave Kisame a small view of your panties.

"Why do you wear such a dress?" Kisame inquired, "it hides your beautiful shape."

"If you don't like it, then come and take it off of me..." You purred seductively as you leaned back and sprawled out on the large bed, the whole time keeping an eye on his face.

That seemed to pull his trigger. He stalked up to you like a predator and pounced, his teeth nipped at the strap that hung off your shoulder, it tore like a delicate lace.

"Look at what you did! Now you've gone and ruined it!" You protested playfully, pushing his face away for a moment so you could gague the damage done.

"If I've ruined it, I suppose you don't mind if I shredded it to pieces now then." He growled impatiently. He wanted you out of the dress now apparently, he tore it away from you with ease, you were now only covered by your bra and panties. "Blue huh?" Kisame asked in observation of the small articles of clothing. "You always struck me as the pink type..." he smirked before fumbling with the hook of your bra. You heard a growl come from him when he couldn't unhook it as quickly as he liked, one more second of fiddling with the small clasp and it was unlatched. Somewhere during this he had managed to slip off your panties as well, leaving you completely nude.

He quickly removed the bra before taking a moment to gaze upon your exposed flesh. His cool hand caressed your breast while he lowered his head to the other flicking his tongue at your erect nipple. You moaned in delight, allowing yourself to simply lay there and feel for a moment, before wanting a turn yourself.

You sat up before forcing Kisame to stand. You teasingly hooked your finger on the belt of his pants, pulling them down ever so slowly. Once your time consuming feat was accomplished he kicked his pants off the rest of the way. You ran your nails up the inside of his thigh lightly, you felt him quiver. Running a hand over his growing bulge. You could tell that he wanted you to remove his rather tight boxers, you giggled before complying.

"Impressive..." You murmured with a smirk on your face as you gazed upon his erect member. You forced his to lay back on the bed, you climbing up with him. You gave his hard cock a few light strokes before running your tongue swiftly and lightly up from shaft to head. A low groan emitted from Kisame's throat. You sheepishly took it in your mouth, sucking slowly at first but then gradually gaining speed, your head bobbing up and down. Kisame jerked a bit before pushing you away from his cock.

"It's not going to end that quickly." He grunted before laying you down and spreading your legs apart. "Ready for the ride of your life little darling?" You felt him push into you slowly, adjusting to his size. "So... tight..." he moaned before sliding out and back in again. You whimpered in pleasure as he began to quickly pump in and out of you. He took each of your wrists and pinned them down above your head as he continued to pump in and out in and out.

"Ungh.... Kisame!!" You yelped and he continued to thrust into you, he groaned when you had said his name. "Ah... I... I'm.... Kisame.... I'm going to... Im going to cum!" You shrieked as he began to thrust even harder. He pushed into you once more and you felt a wave of pure pleasure spill over you. "Kisame!" You moaned when it hit you. Your walls tightened around him when you had hit your climax, which was just enough to throw Kisame over the edge as well, he shuddered and you felt his warm liquid fill you.

Exhausted, Kisame dropped down next to you, pulling you in close with an outstretched arm. For a moment in time you stayed like that, laying in his arms as he whispered sweet nothings to you, before you slowly were lulled into sleep. You wouldn't realize until the next morning that you never had finished cleaning the horrid mess that you were supposed to tend to.